Friday, July 11, 2008

Round Two

After we came home from Makutu's Island, we had about two hours to prepare for round two. We quickly cleaned up the house and made a mad dash for Walmart, Safeway and Little Ceasars pizza. His family party started at 6:00 p.m. It was close, but we got it all done!

Garrett wanted a Wall*e cake

Garrett wanted a swim mask and swim fins-he got them

Garrett wanted a Mr. Potatoe head-he got that too!

We told Garrett he would NEVER get rock band because it was too expensive-well, guess what?

Here they all are putting it together


The Williamson's said...

ROCK BAND!!! Oh no here comes way too much fun!! Sorry Garr we missed your party :( Happy B-day and I say we need a family night this week to play rock band!