Saturday, December 20, 2008


Am I the only one? I want to be enjoying this wonderful Christmas season but I feel like I am drowning. I have so many fantastic intentions to bake and be all Holly Jolly about life but I just can't seem to find the time...or the right spirit. Me, of all people...I can't find the Christmas spirit. I don't even want anything for Christmas...seriously...every year I can make a list a mile long of the things I want. Ok, I did ask for one of those winter hats that cover your ears and have the little tassles that hang down. But, I didn't get the real tree I wanted. I haven't sat down to watch a Christmas movie with the kids or even read them a Christmas story. I barely have time to cook, I can't keep my house clean, Christopher went in for oral surgery on Wednesday...which they only got half of his mouth done because the Anesthesiologist stopped the surgery because Christopher started having fluid build up in his lungs. We found out today that our insurance is cancelled on December 31st so we have NO idea when Christopher will have the second half of the surgery done! I just barely got my Christmas cards out, totally forget about gifts for the kids' teachers. I haven't had time to go caroling. Forgot to mail one of the envelopes for the big kids, now it won't be there for Christmas. I swear I feel a perminent crease in my forehead. ARGHHHH...What's my problem? I totally feel like I failed this holiday season. Am I the only one who can't seem to pull my head above water? Helllpppp! I'm drowning.


Jill said...

I don't even know what drowning is. We don't have any money to even buy gifts this year. Good thing kids won't know any different.

Ashley said...

At least we're all in good company.

Amber said...

Krista, that is so interesting to read because i've always thought you were the one who had it all together! i'm sorry you dont, but alittle bit of me feels relieved because now i'm not the only one who feels like the christmas season was just a big bummer this year!hopefully this year will be better! miss ya girl