Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Garrett's Reward~A Super Wegie

Garrett's reward for being good during Sarah and MacKenna's pageant was to jump on the super trampoline or super wegie as I called it. He was so excited and had a blast.
Up, up, up and away!!!
Garrett did flips and was pretty much fearless and having a great time. I did watch him remove the underwear from his bum crack once the "ride" was over. LOL


Unknown said...

That looks like so much fun! I want to do that!

The Williamson's said...

Fun! I have done this before and was so scared, so way to go GAR! love you!

Kelsey said...

heheeh i guess i do look like a smoldering temptress most of the time... miss you love you

5littlenordstroms said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Glad the kids are excited about the new school too. And just so you know I think it really sucks that nobody told me you were moving and I found out about it after the fact and then you didn't stop for a hello or potty break when you came through town. Oh well still love ya anyway.